
Human Resource Office Role in Success of St. Michaels Hospital

University: University of Chester

  • Unit No: 11
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  • Pages: 9 / Words 2185
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Organization Selected : St. Michaels Hospital


Human Resources Office will play an essential role in the success of the corporate objectives. HR’s commitment and responsibility to provide high quality operations of the Human Resources Office will assist in providing the company with Management excellence (Reilly and Williams 2017). This report is based on St. Michael’s Hospital, which is basically located in United Kingdom. The hospital has been very booming in the past 17 years and has full-grown rapidly. In fact, it has just open other private medical building and plans to open a 3rd within the next year. Further, it will cover structure objective and repaid improvement of maturation rate.


1. HR objectives

  • Human resource policies and objective are applied continuation and fairly: This is help to improve the current atmosphere of internal working environment. It will develop the policies and procedures benefit to the company and employees as well.
  • To provide safe working environment for all employees: Human resource department will be ensure that each and every employees are safe and secure. Will activity work safety training and record and follow done any work related injuries (Bratton and P 2018). On the other hand, training is most essential part attendant to health care or safety polices in internal state of affairs.
  • Training for the continuation development and success : This means giving new employees extensive orientation training helping them transition into their new work environment. Provide job specific training when essential, this will also include leadership and professed improvement training for new supervisors. This is one of the most crucial part that is assistance to provide complete information about work, internal department, supervisors etc. All such is help to understand the internal environment of worker and improve market share of organisation.

2. Flow chart of 3 core activities

This all such three core activities of human resource management are as most important part in organisation (Brewster and Hegewisch, 2017). This is help to improve the current market network as per the need of overall development of organisation. There are three different activities are ass follows :

  • Compliance: HR will achieve this goal through annual HR audits. Audits will review the performance of the HR department and its relative activities in order to assess the effectiveness on the implementation of the various policies to realise the company goals. It will also identify the gaps and irregularities in the implementation of the policies, activities and processes of the HR department and provide recommendations. All such kind of activities is help to improve the overall market conditions as per the need of current overall development in market share (Marler and Boudreau 2017). Some changes are made and internal audit is help to improve overall profitability and productivity will be increase in market share. This will help to correct some important part and help them to improve current performance.
  • Performance management: In this context, Performance management is a creature that further a two way system of human action between the supervisory program and the employees to clarify anticipate about the roles and obligation. It is an possibleness to communicate the structural and organizational goals and encourage employee involvement which, if applied correctly will increase employee motivation (Brown and Metz 2017). On the other hand, employees motivation is assistance to addition the current structure of organisation. In addition, effective administration is assist to solve any problem. On the other hand, some changes are made for the personal growth and advancement of arrangement. With the help of monitoring and coaching is assist to developed new skills and future development of organization.
  • Recruitment: Determine the need for a new hire and do a job analysis. Create or update the existing job descriptions outlining clear duties and responsibilities. Identify the competencies required for the position. Decide whether there is internal potential and if so, advertise the vacancy and recruit internally. This will give employees the possibility of promotion and personal development (Wehrmeyer, 2017). To be focus on many factors, which is responsible for future development and increase overall development of market share. At the time of recruitment, human resource department is guide every new candidate about the job role and responsibilities. This is one of the most important part as per the need of current market network.

3. List of HR activities non core

There are some non core activities of human resource management in internal working environment are as follows :

  • Payroll : In this context, human resource department is focus on ensure accurate and timely submission of internal activities. This is most important part and keep all the employees are regular updated about internal activities. This is beneficial for every single employees inside work place.
  • Health and safety : In health and safety is one of the most important part in overall development of organisation. To be provide best training for guide employees about health and safety working conditions.
  • Employees relation : To maintain employees relation is help to reduce the turnover and extra cost of organisation (Beltrán-Martín and Bou-Llusar 2018). Some alteration are made as per the overall improvement and change of state inside organisation. With the help employee relation is help to increase employee relation.

4. HR department organisation chart

This is human resource department chart of organisation. In addition, head of human resource is divided into three parts like human resource control officer, recruitment and employees relation officer and training and development officer. All three department is play a most important role to increase employees performance level and profit margin will be improve for long time period. Human resource control officer is focus on this activity, which is more important in organisation future growth (Hiby and Cleaveland, 2017). On the other hand, recruitment and employees relation officer is focus on recruit new candidate for job. They are concentration on right candidate, at the right job, at the right time. To be guide about new jobs rules and responsibilities of other factor and manage them as per the need of market carrying out.

5. Role profile of core activities

There are different core activities are to be used in internal environment of organisation. Some changes are made as per the need of current market share or future improvement in overall development of organisation.

  • Internal audit: Human resource control officer is conduct internal audit of organisation. It well helps to identify the gap and inn regulation during internal activities in organisation (Bratton and P 2018). Some changes are made as per the need of current market environment or future outcome of organisation. To be provide support as per the need of current market and solve any error related to internal activities.
  • Performance management: To be focus on assist supervision on internal activities. This is beneficial for long period. With the help of counselling new session should be conducted and improve overall profit and employees achieve good performance (Hiby and Cleaveland, 2017). It assistance determine the obstacles to effectual carrying into action and assistance resolve those obstacles through constant observation, coaching job and improvement. It also assists advance personal growing and beforehand.

6. Risk factors

Sustainable business concern is about spectacular the equilibrium between the establishment anticipate and the inevitably and concerns of the worker and the state of affairs. Acting as a trustworthy commercial enterprise in lodge is not only an honourable obligation, but will also change to lasting profitable success (Kerzner and Kerzner 2017). Hence, Organization is about construction credibility, secure transparency and responsibility.

Subject matter disclosure that would surrogate good firm carrying into action while, operational the use of our beginning efficaciously and expeditiously.

Hazard administration is an ongoing cognitive process which ensures befitting checks and balances. Instrumentation systematized and well-planned modular operating process is of vital value. With the help of audit community is focus on some changes and identify the risk to solve any kind of issue in internal environment of business. Some changes are made as adequacy of perception, prevention and coverage (Reilly and Williams 2017). An outside audit will at least be necessary every 3 years. Human resource management is focus on internal as well as external audit to improve current market performance.

7. Annual financial factor

Estimate annual budget

Annual expenses

Estimate amount

Staff salary


Staff benefit


Training and development


Office supplies


Office equipment


Only one expense

New office


Office furniture


Office equipment




This is annual budget of hospital industry in market share. This is help to improve the current market share as well as future development of organisation. Some changes are made as per the need of current internal environment of organisation.


From the above report is focus on commitment and responsibility to provide high quality operations of the Human Resources Office will assist in providing the company with Management excellence. As per the above report is focus on regulation during internal activities in organisation. Some changes are made as per the need of current market environment or future outcome of organisation.

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Books and journals

  • Kerzner, H. and Kerzner, H.R., 2017. Project management: a systems approach to planning, scheduling, and controlling. John Wiley & Sons.
  • Reilly, P. and Williams, T., 2017. How to get best value from HR: The shared services option. Routledge.
  • Bratton, J. and Gold, J., 2017. Human resource management: theory and practice. Palgrave.
  • Turner, P., 2018. The Role of the Board, the Executive Team, Line Managers and HR Professionals in Talent Management. In Talent Management in Healthcare (pp. 315-338). Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.
  • Brewster, C. and Hegewisch, A. eds., 2017. Policy and practice in European human resource management: The Price Waterhouse Cranfield survey. Taylor & Francis.
  • Marler, J.H. and Boudreau, J.W., 2017. An evidence-based review of HR Analytics. The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 28(1), pp.3-26.
  • Brown, M., Kulik, C.T., Cregan, C. and Metz, I., 2017. Understanding the Change–Cynicism Cycle: The Role of HR. Human Resource Management, 56(1), pp.5-24.
  • Botelho, C., 2017, March. The Role of Human and Social Capital on the Influence of HR Practices on Organizational Performance. In ECIC 2017-9th European Conference on Intellectual Capital (p. 26). Academic Conferences and publishing limited.
  • Wehrmeyer, W. ed., 2017. Greening people: Human resources and environmental management. Routledge.
  • Beltrán-Martín, I. and Bou-Llusar, J.C., 2018. Examining the intermediate role of employee abilities, motivation and opportunities to participate in the relationship between HR bundles and employee performance. BRQ Business Research Quarterly, 21(2), pp.99-110.
  • Hiby, E., Atema, K.N., Brimley, R., Hammond-Seaman, A., Jones, M., Rowan, A., Fogelberg, E., Kennedy, M., Balaram, D., Nel, L. and Cleaveland, S., 2017. Scoping review of indicators and methods of measurement used to evaluate the impact of dog population management interventions. BMC veterinary research, 13(1), p.143.

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